A Letter From Our Founder

The next step is for Donald Trump to fire some generals. Then he’ll blatantly ignore a court order.

The hard part is over: He’s revealed himself. By firing the civil servants who investigated and prosecuted him, allowing Elon Musk access to our private information on government computers, and through aggressive immigration sweeps that have even ensnared citizens, he’s made his fascism public.

From here on out, it’s just about execution. He controls all of the levers that could lead to further national descent: Fire some generals. Ignore some court orders. Forget about Congress.

No one can institutionally stop him – he can destroy us at will.

His narcissism will require him to do it. To become the man who decided human history by collapsing its most powerful empire.

That would make Donald Trump the most important person to ever live, but the only viable path to that outcome is through historic destruction. In other words, it would need to come at the expense of literally every other American.

He has no choice but to do it, given his psychological issues. The more he destroys, the more he matters.

So we need to get very real – immediately.

Last week, I launched American Opposition to do the strategic communications and community outreach work the Democrats are failing to do.

We – along with many others – are calling for a National Day of Protest this Wednesday, February 5th. We’re asking everyone to show up at noon – at their state capitol if they can get there or at their city or town hall if they can’t – and make their voices heard.

We also want Americans to send a strong message to the tech oligarchs who stood behind Trump at his inauguration by refraining from using their products for anything other than covering the protests. To overwhelm their algorithms and maximize attention to our cause.

The people governing us are nearly deaf, but we need to make them hear us. This isn’t a game – the most powerful nation on Earth and planetary stability hang in the balance. We need to show up and inspire others. To prove our case and change whatever minds can still be changed. To generate accountability through seismic public uproar. We have no choice: We need to win.

The Democrats are nowhere to be found, and the American people have been left to fend for themselves. We need to continue to encourage them to get up and get to work, but in the meantime we also have to turn towards the danger and face it. To buy them time to get their act together.

My message is simple: Don’t forget to be brave. It’s going to get really scary, especially for people with kids.

When their future is at stake, it’s both extremely difficult and extremely necessary to take big chances. That tension is best resolved through bravery.

We’re about to go through a profound experience. Don’t forget to be brave.

Carlos Álvarez-Aranyos is the founder of American Opposition. He previously served as co-founder and chief communications officer of The American Sunlight Project, and as communications strategist at Protect Democracy.


AO Launch Press Release